Tuesday, November 30, 2010

DIMENSIONS. Success is a journey not a destination…………………………………….. Freddy Mendonca (Edit 1 May 2007)

Welcome to the world of Dimensions. We live in a competitive world so full of challenges at every step. It is very essential that as a community we Christians who are so accomplished in fields like Education and Healthcare, do justice to ourselves and the society we live in by sharpening our skills in areas like Business and Public life where we are found to be wanting. Ironically, it turns out that the teachings of our Lord and saviour make for excellent Business men and in public life we find that in very own India, the Mahatma won us freedom using Biblical principles!! We realize that as a community, we lack support systems or any other means that will help our young professionals with a spirit of enterprise venture out on their own and build and nurture them so that we have a few more Glenmarks to show, in our ranks. When we look around and see the Kutchis or the Gurjars or several successful mercantile communities on the Indian business scene, we realize that the unity and support systems that each of these success stories represent and nurture differentiates them from the “others” . As Christians the need was felt to move us out from the “others” category and build a vibrant self sustaining self financing edifice that will help incubate entrepreneur talent. This vision was given shape and form thanks to a simple and unassuming person in the form of Mr Freddy Mendonca whose simplicity combined with vision makes for a formidable combination, thus DIMENSIONS was born. Dimensions as we all call it is a group of Christian Entrepreneurs who meet once a month and share their experience on their path to success. At the same time a common goal evolved as such that the comfort level among these community members grew leaps and bounds.The idea is to grow business within the community, in order to achieve that fellow Christian Business men will first have to meet and network with their peers, automatically a rapport and relationship is established and business relations among fellow Diamonds (as Dimension members are called) sprouts in the well watered fields that Dimensions offers. The vision was very concrete to see that every person in the community grows in terms of work and wealth. This in turn would make the entire community a strong community economically as well as socially. Businessmen, Bankers, Investors, Consultants, Professionals, Newspaper editors were all invited to this forum. The first meeting commenced on 24th June 2006 at Hotel Suncity Residency, at Andheri Mumbai, in less than a year, members have started business relations within the hitherto “unknown” probably unheard of fellow “Christian Brothers” in business. The idea is so simple and so workable that one wonders why it had not been implemented earlier!! There is no membership, no running costs, in fact the overheads are yes you guessed right: zilch. There is no compulsion to attend, but the group discussions, the networking that the system affords draws numbers to these monthly meetings. Would it not be great to have Dimensions as a large “umbrella” under which scores of our businesses are hosted on the internet: networking with Christian business groups (pan India) / world wide a virtually free marketing platform in an era where the world particularly in the services space is just a mouse click away!! And the best part of it all … the foundation has already been laid our website is up and running and evolving by the day. The road ahead is already being paved, “Dimensions Trade and Commerce LTD”(DTCL) has already been registered and the Commencement certificate obtained. Two investment areas viz stock market as well as real estate have been earmarked and investment has already been committed from the share capital contributed by interested members. Any person from the community is welcome to these forum meetings of DIMENSIONS which holds no membership fees and is absolutely self contributory for every meeting. S/He is most welcome for these meetings and is not bound by any rule of membership. He or she can come and introduce/share during these meetings of Dimensions and is always welcome for further meetings at their convenience. It is not at all obligatory for any person attending these dimensions meetings to be a part of DTCL. No person present at this forum will be forced or requested to invest in DTCL. It is entirely upto the individuals comfort level to decide whether to invest in DTCL or not. He or she can still be proud to be a part of Dimensions. This has been confirmed and endorsed by all diamonds who attend these meetings. It's the beginning of a long journey…………… Requesting all Christian Businessmen, Entrepreneurs, Professionals to attend our meetings and be part of the Dimension Movement for your growth and the growth of our community. COME JOIN US AND LET US ALL TOGETHER MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE. — The Dimensions fraternity. Visit: www.dimensionsdirect.com Mr. Freddy Mendonca is the Executiv Director of Protocol Marine Services P Ltd And one of the Founding Fathers of Dimensions

Monday, November 29, 2010

PASSING THE BATON by Marshal Sequeira (Edit 1 May 2007)

Organizations, whatever may the character and purpose, are essentially formed as a means to primarily serve others never for self. It is not necessary that the beneficiaries have to be the whole wide world but a group of people, community, business entities or whatever. The aim is always noble and more often than not, the purpose is well served in line with the aims and objects. Some people take the lead and give the requisite dimension to the organization or association. They have a philanthropic bent of mind and this single attribute ensures that the members or the community stands to benefit. Such people believe that a fulfilling and meaningful life is created through service to others. They are busy individuals and not idle but their inner call makes them devote their time so that others can benefit. Undoubtedly, this is a thankless job because people who devote their time, energy and even money to advance the objectives, find themselves at the receiving end when it comes to criticism. Adverse comments and unwanted criticism are more pronounced during the teething period which is generally lengthy. Founder members / Conveners who are generally committed take such remarks in their stride and continue with their mission because they want to ensure that what they have conceived and started is placed on a sound footing for the benefit of the future generations. A man who plants a peepal sapling does not live to enjoy its shade but does it all the same for posterity. We have inherited a good many organizations / associations which were established by men of vision and dedication. They are not longer on the scene but their contribution is always felt. We are enjoying the fruits today. Similarly those organizations, formed now, will impact the future generations. Contributions by the well meaning founders will be appreciated by those who benefit from them in the long run even if they are no longer at the helm of affairs. Therefore keeping long term perspective in mind and in the larger interests of the beneficiaries and the organizations, they prefer to step aside and withdraw from the forefront, making way for the younger members to hold the reins. They sincerely believe that others can do a better job of it with modern and innovative ideas. Narayan Murthy, the man behind the success of Infosys, voluntarily stepped aside to give others a chance to show their caliber and take it on a higher plane. He stepped aside when people asked “why” instead of waiting for “when”. That is the stuff great men are made of. Every leader must be able to build a new set of leaders to take over in the long run as he honestly believes that his place is transitory. This attitude shows his magnanimity and selflessness because he has the larger interest of the organization dear to his heart. This process ensures continuity and there is no scope for sudden vacuum at the helm. We have many associations and groups and it may be nice thing to have a look at the state of affairs. No doubt most of them are operating on very sound and healthy lines but all the same a little self appraisal is not a bad thing after all. Some people may unwittingly, not realize how important it is to look at the succession plan in the interest of the organization, industry or Government. British PM is being literally forced out and the same thing would have happened in the USA if their constitution did not insulate the President. Leaders of substance must read the writing on the wall. “Only I can do it” is a very dangerous attitude. Transparency is the key word for any organization. Once this is ensured, democratic functioning follows. Members and others hold such association in high esteem. They like to be associated with it but if they have any reservations people prefer to stay aloof and indifferent. The organization then does not grow and remains stagnant. This is not a healthy situation and the people at the helm must sit up and take notice unless of course they feel it does not really matter so long as they continue to rule the roost.
Marshall Sequeira is a “ Free lance writer”

DIMENSIONS and DIAMONDS - A Personal Experience Janet Pinto (Edit 1 May 2007)

I first encountered 'Dimensions' when I co-facilitated a Vision Workshop for the newly founded Organization. I was struck by the multidimensional stature of those who were present - involved as deeply in successful business ventures as in challenging social concerns. It was no wonder that people such as these had read the signs of the times and heard a call to foster an entrepreneurial spirit among the Christian community. And now they were gathered to discern their shared Vision. It was truly a 'gathering unto Him'. The 'gathering' continues in monthly Breakfast meetings, that bring together enterprising men and women from diverse areas, such as Real Estate, Share Broking and Investments, IT and Telecommunications; Travel and Shipping, Recruitment and HR, Engineering and Automobiles, to name a few. These Meetings are an opportunity as much for fellowship and networking as for promoting one's ventures and sharing experiences of marketplace realities. The last meeting in April left us enlightened and better equipped to succeed in the market place. Clifton D'Silva founder of 'Altina Securities' led an expert exploration of the merits of investing in Equities. Agnelo Athaide, founder of St. Angelo's Computer Education' drew us into an animated reflection on Negotiation strategies that stand the test of time. Drawing on their rich experience, both Clifton and Agnelo spoke from the wisdom of their hearts and became our role models and sources of inspiration. The March meeting showcased two examples of an unstoppable entrepreneurial drive one that led to the invention of a unique 'mosquito menace solution' and the other of a 'far - sighted real estate enterprise stories of first generation business ventures. Not surprisingly these meetings are beginning to draw the younger generation. The management students who attended the April said they were happy they came even though they had to skip breakfast to be in time for class. 'Dimensions' has a couple of other valuable dimensions: 1. The Dimensions Website www.dimensionsdirect.com that offers opportunities to network with the Christian business fraternity as well as the benefit of publicizing one's business ventures. 2. 'Dimensions Trade and Commerce Ltd.' offers a unique investment opportunity, one that promises to generate both economic returns and social wealth. DIAMONDS: Diamond' is the word used to refer to a member of Dimensions. Why so? The answer is really a matter of discovery, as it was for me. I found its meaning in the priceless support I've received from the members of Dimensions. DIAMONDS indeed! Janet Pinto founder of 'Kairos Integral Consulting' is a Corporate Trainer, HR Consultant & Executive Coach

Growth stocks can make you rich! By Clifton Dsilva (Edit 1 May 2007)

It must have been drilled into your head by now that equity is the best investment. Invest in shares and you could make great returns. That's true. What's in a share? Money! An investment in debt (bonds, fixed deposits, etc) provides a fixed rate of return. If it is eight percent per annum and you invest Rs. 1 lakh, you will get Rs. 8,000/- per annum. But if you invest in the right stock, the return could be substantial. In fact, an investment of Rs. 1 lakh could grow to Rs. 2 lakhs or more in a year. Did you know that if you had invested Rs. 5,000/- in the public issue of Colgate in 1978, by 1994, your investment would have been worth Rs. 43,52,000/-. Make money with shares What is not true is the belief that each and every stock will give you the same return. Investing in any and every stock that comes your way won't leave you smiling. Equities, as a form of investment, offer the best rate of return only if you have made your investments wisely and in growth oriented companies. Which brings us to the question: How do you identify which company is on the growth path? Let me use a simple example to try and explain this. You start with cost and profit Company XYZ is capable of producing (has a production capacity of) 10,000 motorcycles. It utilizes 100 percent of its production capacity. That means it produces 10,000 motorcycles. If it produced less than that, say 9,500 motorcycles, it would be operating below its capacity. Each motorcycle is sold for Rs. 30,000/- Total turnover = Rs. 30,000 x 10,000 = Rs. 30 crore. Now, from this turnover, the company will minus its cost and taxes to arrive at its net profit. Let's say the net profit amounts to 10 percent of turnover. This will amount to Rs 3 crore. Then, you look at its equity base Assume the company had Rs. 5 crore worth of shares (50 lakh shares x Rs. 10/- per share). The net profit of Rs. 3 crore on its existing equity base of Rs. 5 crore translates into an earning of Rs. 6/- per share. Let's say the market price of each share is Rs.50/-. The price earnings ratio is 8.33. How did I arrive at this figure? You take the market price of the share (Rs. 50/-) and divide it by the earnings per share (Rs. 6/-). This gives you 8.33. You buy the shares When you buy the shares, it costs you Rs. 50/- per share. You buy 500 shares and pay Rs. 25,000/- for them. The demand for motorcycles is growing. Now, the company decides to produce more motorcycles. To do this, it has to expand its facilities. So it begins to borrow from financial institutions and banks. Over the next five years, the company hikes its production capacity from 10,000 motorcycles to 50,000 motorcycles. This increase in its facilities was possible because of the money it borrowed. In simple terms, when you purchased the shares five years ago, you were the part owner of a company with a production capacity of 10,000 units. Five years later, you are the part owner of a company with a production capacity of 50,000 units without any further investment on your part. In other words, your investment has grown five times over a period of five years or 100 percent annually. How would that work out in money terms? The price of each motorcycle has gone up and the company is now selling motorcycles at the rate of Rs. 40,000/- per unit. Its production capacity is now 50,000 units. So it makes and sells 50,000 motorcycles (operating at 100 percent of its production capacity). The turnover at full capacity amounts to Rs. 200 crore (50,000 motorcycles x Rs. 40,000/-). With a net profit margin of 10 percent, the net profit works out to Rs. 20 crore. So, now, the net profit of Rs. 20 crore on its existing equity base of Rs 5 crore translates into an earning of Rs. 40/- per share. If the same price earning multiple of 8.33 is applied, the stock price would quote at Rs. 333/-. Now, multiply your 500 shares with the market price of Rs. 333/- and your investment value works out to Rs. 1,66,500 compared to the original investment of Rs. 25,000/-. This may not be the end. Growth could continue faster in the years ahead. This example is just to prove the powerful returns equities can generate if the selection is proper. Surely equity can give the highest return. But it is also the riskiest form of investment, since no return is guaranteed. A young investor can afford to take a higher level of risk, whereas an older investor, who is on the brink of retirement or has already retired, cannot afford to take unnecessary risks. A young individual can place as much as 80 percent of his investments in equity. In the case of the older investor, the debt component will be higher as the capacity for risk is limited. Clifton DeSilva is the Chairman & Managing Director, Altina Securities Pvt. Ltd. Member National Stock Exchange of India

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bran Muffins........ (Edit 2 July Aug 2007)

* The couple were 85 years old, and had been married for sixty years. Though they were far from rich, they managed to get by because they watched their pennies. Though not young, they were both in very good health, largely due to the wife's insistence on healthy foods (LOTS of bran muffins for their fiber) and exercise for the last decade. One day, their good health didn't help when they went on a rare vacation and their plane crashed, sending them off to Heaven. * They reached the pearly gates, and St. Peter escorted them inside. He took them to a beautiful mansion, furnished in gold and fine silks, with a fully stocked kitchen and a waterfall in the master bath. * A maid could be seen hanging their favorite clothes in the closet. They gasped in astonishment when he said, 'Welcome to Heaven. This will be your home now.' * The old man asked Peter how much all this was going to cost. 'Why, nothing,' Peter replied, 'remember, this is your reward in Heaven.’ * The old man looked out the window and right there he saw a championship golf course, finer and more beautiful than any ever built on Earth. ‘What are the greens fees?', grumbled the old man. 'This is heaven,' St. Peter replied. 'You can play for free, every day.' * Next they went to the clubhouse and saw the lavish buffet lunch, with every imaginable cuisine laid out before them, from seafood to steaks to exotic deserts, free flowing beverages. Don't even ask,' said St. Peter to the man 'This is Heaven, it is all free for you to enjoy.’ * The old man looked around and glanced nervously at his wife. 'Well, where are the low fat and low cholesterol foods, and the decaffeinated tea?' he asked. 'That's the best part,' St. Peter replied. 'You can eat and drink as much as you like of whatever you like, and you will never get fat or sick. This is Heaven!' * The old man pushed, 'No gym to work out at?’ 'Not unless you want to,' was the answer. 'No testing my sugar or blood pressure or...’ 'Never again. All you do here is enjoy yourself.'* * The old man glared at his wife and said, 'You and your bran muffins. We could have been here ten years ago!

HEART TIPS FOR BUSINESSMEN by J. P. Sequeira (Edit 2 July Aug 2007)

Rules for a businessman to take care of his heart
Diet: Less of carbohydrates, more of protein, less oil Exercise :Half an hour's brisk walk, at least five day's a week; avoid lifts and avoid sitting for a long time Quit smoking Control weight, blood pressure and blood sugar levels Avoid pork and mutton as far as possible Drink in moderation. Avoid alcohol if you are diabetic.
  1. Quite often we hear that some apparently young healthy person gets a cardiac attack. This is called silent attack.That is why everyone past the age of 30 should undergo routine health check-ups.
  2. Heart diseases are hereditary.
  3. Change your attitude towards life.
  4. Do not look for perfection in everything in life.
  5. Walking is better than jogging, since jogging leads to early fatigue and injury to joints.
  6. Cholesterol build-up in arteries starts from childhood. Diet control, daily walk, and eating walnuts can control cholesterol content in the blood. Fruits and vegetables are good for the health and oil is bad.
  7. All oils including sunflower and olive oil are bad for the heart.
  8. Carry out routine blood tests to ensure sugar, cholesterol is okay. Check BP once a month.
  9. When a person gets a heart attack help the person into a sleeping position, place an aspirin tablet under the tongue together with a sorbitrate tablet, if available, and rush him to a coronary care unit
  10. The maximum harm takes place within the first hour.
  11. It is extremely difficult to differentiate between pain caused by a heart attack and that caused due to gastric trouble, without an ECG.
  12. Indians are genetically three times more vulnerable to heart attack than Europeans and Americans. Sedentary lifestyles, smoking, eating junk food, lack of exercise are some of the factors responsible for steep increase in heart problems among youngsters.
  13. Many of us have an irregular daily routine and many a time we have to stay late nights in office. When you are young, nature protects you against all these irregularities. However, as you grow older, respect the biological clock, cut down your activities and relax you will live longer.
J. P. Sequeira, is the Director of ELAN PHARMA ( INDIA) PVT. LTD

The Time Has Come.. By Veronica Paul (Edit2 July Aug 2007)

The time has come for each one of us, Christians in India, to take stock of where we stand today vis-a-vis the rest of the nation. India is on the threshold of a great future and yet as a community, we exist on the fringes of mainstream society especially in business and public service. To add to our woes, we are also looked upon as a minority with a soft underbelly, our votes don't count, our voices are not heard and we are discriminated against. We need to understand that while this impacts the whole community, it also affects each one of us individually. It is not about someone in a faroff distant corner of India who is being victimized. It is about you and me. Here and now. When one of our community members is discriminated against, our individual strength is eroded. How can we change this? Through Power: 1. Economic Power, 2. Intellectual Power, and the 3. Power of Conviction. Firstly and fundamentally, we need to raise the bar in terms of prosperity and education. Next, we need to make a paradigm shift in our own way of thinking. Finally, we need to influence how others perceive us. In other words, we need to become an economic, intellectual and dynamic powerhouse. In this section of a 3-part analysis, I would like to focus on: Economic Power. Economic strength is power, whichever way you look at it. Money oils the wheels of society and affects every social relationship. It is not an end by itself but is certainly a means to almost everything. I do believe that we Christians have been living in denial regarding its importance and relevance to our wellbeing. We treat it as a necessary evil. It is high time we gave it the respect that it deserves. But to do this, we must first accept the fact that economic prosperity and the creation of wealth do not run counter to Christian teachings. We are in fact exhorted by God to earn our bread and to use our money judiciously. In the parable of the ten talents, the servant who multiplied his wealth was rewarded, the one who did not was penalised. God endowed Solomon with singular wisdom and vast riches in order to empower him to further God's plan on earth. Money should not be our master, but rather, a useful servant. I do believe, therefore, that that we owe to ourselves to be financially sound and prudent. Economic strength constitutes inherited wealth, property and the ability to create wealth. Previous generations by virtue of hard work, prudent spending and holding good positions in industry accumulated enough wealth to invest in equities, buy property and build a comfortable nest egg. Unfortunately, instead of multiplying these assets, many of us frittered them away through lavish lifestyles & short-term planning. As a result, the Christian community is, by and large, an impoverished lot. However, it is still not too late to stem this trend. We could start this process at our familial grassroots. Too many families today are splintered over property and inherited assets. As a result, a third party usually ends up taking advantage of the situation to the detriment of all involved. It is tragic to see that even properties that come under Catholic societies are being sold to the highest bidder in violation of society rules. Scores of families are being driven out of developed suburbs, out of the environment they grew up in, into the far flung suburbs where life is much tougher, especially for the younger generation. Let our property that has been bequeathed to us by our forefathers remain within the family or at least within the community. Today, with the rising economy, our youth does not have to migrate to foreign lands to carve a destiny for themselves. The opportunities are right here in our own backyards. In fact, a number of young people who have settled abroad are longing to return to a glorious India. Let's help them by preserving and expanding what our forefathers in their wisdom bequeathed us. We need to give our children a better future. Christians are known to be a “service community”, meaning that a large percentage work in organizations in various rungs of the hierarchy. Mostly, at the lower rungs. Why should it be that way? We have skills that are as good as anyone else, maybe better. So what holds us back. Education? Definitely, one of the reasons, but also our apathy and lack of ambition. We, our menfolk especially, are too laid back and “susegad”. Traditionally, it was the man's job to earn and support the family so that the wife could look after the children. Today, the women often end up doing “double duty” while the menfolk take it easy. I hasten to say that this is not the case in every home but increasingly, women work harder today, away from home, than in days gone by. The fallout is that our children do not get the direction, supervision and support that is so critical to their growth. We need to look at this seriously. While we have the skills to participate in the service sector, we need to also explore and challenge our capabilities in the areas of business and enterprise. Those of us who are already entrepreneurs or own small businesses need to develop critical skills to keep abreast of the latest developments in our respective fields. While business ethics come easily to us, and this is a great asset, we also need to improve on other market-driven skills and to constantly innovate. We need to stay competitive. The support of the family, especially the youth, in expanding the scope of business is invaluable. The creation of wealth also necessitates a hard look at our savings, investment and spending patterns. Many of us are risk averse, in which case, our preference should be towards prudent spending and wise investments rather than conspicuous and needless consumption. Retirement and early retirement do not necessarily mean the end of our capacity to generate income, if we so desire. Many of us have probably found that our sizeable retirement funds and early retirement packages get depleted all too rapidly given the eroding value of the rupee, high inflation and dipping interest rates. Today, there are plenty of opportunities for those who look for them. For example, there is an ongoing demand in BPO's and call centers for people with good language skills. What if some of us, who are willing and able, were to give these jobs a shot, at least on a parttime or contractual basis. This would have a 3-fold benefit, the retirees could generate extra income, the BPO's would get their manpower and most importantly, our youth could continue with their education. Sounds preposterous? Look at it this way. At this stage in life, retired folks don't have to worry about career progression, or saving up for a house, marriage, etc, and besides, they can “call it a day” at anytime without much angst. Think about it. We also need to change our attitude towards work. In western countries, there is dignity of labour, and people do not hesitate to take on any kind of honest work provided the payoff is good. When we work towards a goal, be it personal, further education, a promotion or career progression, work becomes a vehicle towards that end. Also, while working hard has its benefits, one should also aim to work smart. An idea that produces the same result with less effort is twice as valuable. That's where lateral thinking and innovation come in. To summarise, the enhancement of our economic power will definitely give us the necessary edge and confidence to make a difference to our country, to our community and, not the least, to the quality of our own lives as individuals.

BUSINESS : AN ANETHEMA FOR CHRISTIANS by Marshall Sequeira - A freelance writer (Edit 2 July Aug 2007)

Most Christians have an aversion for business and it is not hard to trace the origin of this 'phobia'. As good Christians, we are guided by the biblical teachings that we have come into this world to 'serve' and not to be served. No wonder, by chance or choice, most of us land up with 9 to 5 jobs serving those businessmen and industrialists who, with their sheer vision and foresight, established enough enterprises for all of us to serve. The BPOs have contributed their mite. On a more serious note, we Christians, unfortunately lack the business acumen to be successful in running it and making it profitable. Very few Christian businessmen have been successful and those very successful ones have shown that given the will and determination it is not entirely difficult. Others have given up midway. Some of the constraints that come to mind why we Christians are apprehensive when it comes to business are:
  • Inability to take risks we tend to forget the age old maxim higher the risks, greater the reward. Unfortunately we like to play safe and look for gains even before investing. As a fun-loving community obsessed with the 3 Ds [Dress, Drink and Dance] we prefer the cushy life with fixed salary, fixed timings and evenings free for dating and partying, something which is a mirage for true businessmen. They reserve the weekend for this.
  • Inability to generate requisite funds for business. Safety of the family [in terms of roti, kapda and makan] always remains a priority with 'a bird in hand is worth two in a bush' mentality. Unlike other communities, other family members do not come forward with any financial help. We do not encourage the joint family system and this perhaps is one of the key factors
  • responsible for our failure on the business front. Jealously is very much prevalent when someone succeeds. Before a business can be successful, it faces enormous teething troubles and we lack the patience and the mental strength to face such situations. Similarly, after successful establishment of the business, there is, what is called the 'gestation period' a period of consolidation after which one can hope to see the fruits of labour, i.e. the profits. Failure to
  • face this spell, however long it may take, makes most aspirants nervous and more often than not, they give up.
  • Facing bureaucratic hurdles is one of the essential qualities required to start a business in this country. Multiplicity of authorities, harassment from petty officials, and demand for bribes unnerve us. Every businessman has to face the municipal authorities, the sales tax authorities, the income tax officials and the excise staff. These are the realities of business and not accepting that truth will resemble the ostrich approach. We have that 'holier than thou' attitude and this
  • does not help matters. If you do the business without breaking the rules, it should not be difficult to overcome these road blocks. We lack negotiating skills to convince others and to get the work done.
  • When it comes to dealing with workers, staff and even the vendors, one must have that entrepreneurial skill to be tough when required and be accommodative if the situation
  • warrants. Perhaps the 'be generous' approach and 'offer your other cheek' concept do not help to develop the right attitude required for business.
Communities like the Bania and the Marwaris have shown that with hard work and willingness to put in long hours, one can be successful. They say business is in their blood. True! It comes naturally to them. Though most small businessmen are hardly educated, they know the numbers well so also the rules and regulations [including loop holes which they exploit to their advantage]. Had it not been for the likes of Ambanis, Modi's, Singhanias, Tatas, Birlas, etc, we would have been stuck with farming. We curse these people for prospering through evasion of taxes, excise duties, custom duties, etc. Yet we work for them and earn our daily bread. Let us remember that “A man is not honest just because he has had no chance to cheat”. It is easy to cast aspersions with sweeping statements. We take pride in saying that we salaried people pay our taxes but do we really have an option? Communities like the Banias, have come up with sheer hard work. You can see a Bania shop open at 7.00 in the morning and remain open [without a break] till 9.00 at night. They help one another, guide others who want to start a business and even extend financial assistance. The surplus funds rotate within the community. This is unparalleled. Can we learn something from this? We, as a Community, are generally educated and some of the people have proved to be good successful businessmen. It may be a good idea if such businessmen in each Parish offer their expertise to help those aspiring young men who have dreams but lack direction and guidance. WE NEED TO WALK THE TALK.